Dangerous and Defective Goods

Although most people use a variety of products, equipment and devices on a regular basis without incident, there are times when a defective or unsafe item can cause damage or injury. On many occasions this occurs because a product has an inherent flaw within it that makes it unsafe to use in some manner. It may be at risk of breakage, failure, or several other actions which may cause injuries. Unfortunately, laws concerning product liability can be tough and quite complicated to understand.

Defective Products and their Dangers

Because of the wide array of products currently on the market, there is virtually no end to the kinds of issues that can go wrong. Sometimes product liability issues could become well known, and thus there could even be class action lawsuits filed. With regards to the kind of defect and how the item can be used, injuries could include anything from simple bumps and bruises to serious problems such as burns, lacerations, and spinal cord or brain injuries. Because of the injuries, the victim may suffer a lack of ability to work, loss of income, pain, or lifelong health concerns.

What Kinds of Products Might Be Defective?

There is really no limit to the types of goods that can be defective. Defects with vehicles are typical in today’s world, like complications with air bags, seat belts, tires, or maybe infant car seats. It could be possible to experience problems when using defective medical equipment or supplies. Sometimes a defective product might expose you to some hazardous materials, like pesticide sprays, lead, chemicals, or mold. Some other products that may be defective include home appliances, children’s toys, power tools, as well as other types of equipment. Product manufacturers may be held accountable for liability issues, warranty breaches, or sheer negligence on their own part. However, these lawsuits can often become complicated. Typically, contacting legal counsel is the best plan.

Once You Contact an Attorney

Based on the defect, you can experience serious injuries or even illness as a result of utilizing a defective product. By speaking with a qualified personal injury attorney, you’ll have the assurance that somebody who understands laws related to defective products is looking out for your needs.

At Sheridan & Murray, we have over 75 years of combined legal experience.  Led by senior trial attorneys Thomas Sheridan & Neil Murray, rest assured these highly respected lawyers have the knowledge and experience you need and deserve.