Nursing Home Abuse
Elderly individuals with debilitating physical or emotional conditions require the specialized care of permanent residence facilities. Choosing to place a parent or other relative in a nursing home, however, is usually an extremely difficult decision. When we entrust our loved one’s well-being to another, we expect him or her to be cared for according to the highest medical and ethical standards. However, all too often, these expectations are not met – putting the lives of our loved ones at risk.
The physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of the elderly is a widespread and increasingly common problem in our society. We are here to help those who suspect their loved one has been injured as a result of nursing home abuse or negligence.
If your loved one has been the victim of nursing home negligence or elder abuse, contact the attorneys of Sheridan & Murray, serving Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
About Elder Abuse and Nursing Home Negligence
While the staff at most nursing homes adhere to strict safety regulations and provide quality care, nursing home negligence and elder abuse can occur when under trained or unethical nursing home employees’ negligence affects their patients and negatively impacts the well-being of our elderly relatives. Nursing home negligence and elder abuse can cause lasting emotional trauma and serious physical injury, and the abuse may even result in the patient’s wrongful death. The Philadelphia-based attorneys of Sheridan & Murray protect the rights of nursing home residents in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and elsewhere, who have been mistreated.
Every year, thousands of residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are the victims of nursing home negligence as they are mistreated or receive inadequate care. Examples of nursing home negligence include under or over medicating a patient, isolation, misuse of restraints, failure to provide hygienic care, and physical or sexual abuse.
Finding Help and Filing Your Claim
Nursing home negligence and elder abuse can occur as a result of inappropriate job screening practices, poor training procedures, or immoral owners or administrators who are more concerned with their profits than caring for our elderly relatives. If you suspect your loved one may be the victim of nursing home negligence, there are several steps you can take. Visit the facility often to evaluate the situation first hand, talk with your relative about their experience, express your concerns to the doctors or administrators, and notify your state’s licensing and certification agency of the problem.
If you continue to suspect that the nursing home is acting with negligence and failing to protect your loved one from elder abuse, seek legal representation. When it comes to nursing home negligence, the elder abuse lawyers at Sheridan & Murray are compelled to act by their own sense of humanity and an obligation to assist those who can’t protect themselves.
Contact Our Elder Abuse and Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of nursing home negligence or elder abuse, please call us at (877) 699-7800, so that our attorneys can investigate the most appropriate means of protecting your rights. Our legal review of your case is free and there is no commitment. Your case will be evaluated immediately, so get started on your claim today.