Truck Accidents
Philadelphia Accident Lawyers – Experienced & Successful
We know that large trucks present serious dangers on the road. These vehicles are bigger and far more difficult to operate and steer than standard size cars and other small vehicles that share the road. Each year, large trucks are involved in an astonishing number of accidents on our roadways. In 2015 alone, an estimated 93,000 traffic accidents resulted in injuries and 3,852 fatalities occurred.
At Sheridan & Murray, our trial lawyers believe that it is the responsibility of the truck drivers and the trucking companies that employ them to operate and manage their vehicles in a safe manner. Reckless driving, extra-large cargo loads, and various other hazardous practices not only put the public in danger, but the truck drivers as well. Our Pennsylvania and New Jersey truck accident lawyers are experienced in handling these types of cases and can help answer any questions you may have. At Sheridan & Murray you will get an experienced and aggressive team of trial lawyers that will fight for your right to be compensated.
Trucking Accidents: What you need to know
You have rights if you have been involved in a truck accident.
Did you know that…
- In 2015, one out of every eight traffic fatalities resulted from a collision involving a large truck.
- Large trucks have higher fatal crash rates per mile traveled than passenger vehicles. In 2015, an estimated 416,000 large trucks were involved in traffic accidents in the United States. Of those, 3,852 were involved in fatal accidents.
- A total of 3,852 people were killed and an additional 116,000 people were injured in accidents involving a large truck. Of the 3,852 people killed, only 16 percent were truck occupants, while 69 percent were occupants of passenger vehicles, and 15 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.
- Of the 116,000 people injured, 24 percent were truck occupants while 73 percent were occupants of passenger vehicles, and 3 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.
Trucking companies have the resources to avoid being held liable for their mistakes. This makes it very important that you have a knowledgeable lawyer and experts working diligently to protect your rights. Please call today to speak with one of our experienced lawyers – (215) 977-9500.
Our trial attorneys and experts have the experience and expertise needed to handle even the most serious trucking accident cases, and can help you obtain the compensation you and your loved ones deserve.
How are trucking accidents investigated?
It is important to know your rights when you are involved in any type of accident. If you have been involved in a truck accident it is imperative that these critical steps are followed:
- In every truck accident case, it is very important to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation.
- Immediate attention must be taken to preserve and document the scene of the accident and the different vehicles involved.
- Do not give statements or sign any releases for medical records or employment records until you have spoken to an attorney. Often the medical release allows the adjuster to communicate with your doctors without you or anyone being present.
- Do not speak with the insurance companies and adjusters for the trucking company – they are working against you and will not help you.
When representing injury victims, we typically hire a private investigator and accident reconstruction expert to investigate the accident. This often includes examining and photographing the accident scene and vehicles involved, checking any equipment for apparent defects, analyzing pertinent evidence, reconstructing the accident, and conducting interviews of witnesses, police officers, EMS personnel, and wrecker drivers. This is necessary because far too many accidents are NOT properly investigated by the responding police departments (which sometimes lack well-trained experts in accident reconstruction).
Your best choice for legal representation.
Our Pennsylvania and New Jersey truck accident lawyers are experienced and aggressive trial lawyers that know how to deal with insurance companies. We work with engineers, bio mechanical experts, toxicologists, visual acuity experts, physicians, and various other experts to ensure that our clients receive the attention and representation they deserve. We want to help you obtain the compensation to which you are entitled.
The trucking accident lawyers of Sheridan & Murray understand the rules of the road and the special duties imposed upon commercial and common carriers. Our trial attorneys understand the scientific and engineering principles necessary to unravel just how a trucking accident occurred. You will not find a more dedicated team of trial lawyers to represent you and your loved ones. Contact Sheridan & Murray today for your no cost consultation – (215) 977-9500.